July 28, 2009

Dinner's On

I had the first tomatoes of the season today on July 28th. I had one medium sized Wayahead which kind of lived up to it's name. The stripped Tigerella tomatoes are also starting to ripen but are smaller than I expected. I'm getting a few tiny Yellow Currant tomatoes as well. All in all I'm just glad to get a few tomatoes before August. I have seen on other blogs that their tomatoes are late in ripening too.

I harvested 2 Japanese climbing cucumbers that I have climbing up a twine trellis as well as one small Bush cucumber. I'm really impressed with the bush beans which just keep on coming and have looked better than they ever have with no blemishes. I've been picking them daily and have frozen about 8 small bags already. The pattypan squash got a little big when I was out of town for 2 days but I sliced it up and threw it into pasta primervera.

July 16, 2009

Garden of Eatin' (not Eden)

The harvest season is finally starting in the garden. This week I've cut and ate most of the broccoli. I made a big cold salad with it using red onions, bacon, mayo, sunflower seeds and raisins. Yummy! This is what the broccoli looked like in the garden.
I also dug up the first red potatoes of the season and added them to my tuna nicoise salad along with a few fresh green beans from the garden.

July 6, 2009

Garden Daze

I can't believe how fast the garden changed in the last 6 weeks since I posted a blog. I really haven't been able to keep up with it all. Sometimes I'd like to freeze a moment in the garden like when it was all flowering in shades of purple then it's on to the next season of flowers.
Now, I'm in the heart of the Lily season and then that becomes my favorite garden of the moment.
I guess that the changes in the garden are a metaphor for life. You're at a certain spot where you think you want to stay forever but around the next corner you find that life is different but perhaps better than that moment that came before.

Late June and Early July Flowers


July Veggies
